Facsimile Editions: Masterpieces of Medicine
Richly illustrated and of particular importance for the history of science: medieval pharmacopoeias and herbals handed down ancient medical knowledge and formed the foundation from which the modern medicine of the Renaissance could begin. The ancient knowledge of medicinal herbs and the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases often found their way back to the European continent via the Arab world and North Africa, where they were widely disseminated. The most beautiful and important works of medieval medicine are assembled here.
Created 1,500 years ago in Byzantium: the largest and most influential work of healing and botany in history
Istanbul (Turkey) — ca. 512
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A magnificently illuminated gift from Gian Galeazzo Visconti to King Wenceslas: Ibn Butlan's large and richly illustrated medical encyclopedia
Milan (Italy) — End of the 14th century
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A milestone in medicine with a multitude of vivid miniatures: the big textbook by the famous Arab doctor Abu l'Quasim
Southern Italy — 2nd half of the 14th century
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A medical manual for laypeople: self-treatment instructions for critics of conventional medieval medicine
Southern Italy, possibly in the circle of the Staufer court (Italy) — 1st half of the 13th century
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A commission of the Staufer Emperor Frederick II: medieval medicine in more than 500 miniatures
Italy — 13th century
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Large format and in color: a fascinating insight into the medicine of the 16th century with 71 realistic anatomical representations of the human body
Italy — 1565–1589
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Splendidly bound and presented to the prince-electors of the Palatinate in 1571: the invaluable work of the gifted doctor and pharmacist Christoph Wirsung
Heidelberg (Germany) — 1568
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With realistic plant illustrations on all 218 pages: a lexicon of medieval medicinal plants in the possession of the doctor and botanist Sir Hans Sloane
Italy — 1440
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Intended for home use: a richly illuminated copy of the popular medical text by the Arab doctor Ibn Butlan
Vienna (Austria) — ca. 1490
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