1494: From the Discovery of Christopher Columbus to the Treaty of Tordesillas (Collection)

1494: From the Discovery of Christopher Columbus to the Treaty of Tordesillas (Collection) – Millennium Liber – Several Owners

Portugal and Spain — 1493–1494

How the Treaty of Tordesillas came about: seven historical key documents on the division of the New World between Portugal and Spain, including four remarkable woodcuts of Columbus' discoveries

  1. The Treaty of Tordesillas was ratified on June 7, 1494 and defined the territories of Portugal and Castile in the Atlantic Ocean

  2. The occasion were Columbus' all-changing discoveries and the accompanying colonial rivalry

  3. This collection brings together seven key documents relating to these events

1494: From the Discovery of Christopher Columbus to the Treaty of Tordesillas (Collection)

  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
1494: From the Discovery of Christopher Columbus to the Treaty of Tordesillas (Collection)

The fascinating document collection 1494: From the Discovery of Christopher Columbus to the Treaty of Tordesillas brings together seven key sources on the historical development of the famous Treaty of Tordesillas. The groundbreaking contract was concluded on June 7, 1494 between the Kingdom of Castile under the reign of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand and the Kingdom of Portugal under the rule of John II and defined their territories in the Atlantic. Everything west of the meridian border line defined here was granted to Castile, everything east of it to the Portuguese crown. The collection features both the Portuguese and Castilian versions of the treaty's ratification deed with the respective signatures of the monarchs. They are accompanied by three letters by Christopher Columbus, in which he reports on his discoveries and which provide four of the first ever European depictions of the New World, as well as letters by John II on the world-changing negotiations.


Alternative Titles
1494: Von Christoph Kolumbus' Entdeckung bis zum Vertrag von Tordesillas
1494: Desde el descubrimiento de Cristóbal Colón hasta el Tratado de Tordesillas
4 full-page woodcuts, initials and cadels
Letters from Christopher Columbus and documents concerning the Treaty of Tordesillas

Available facsimile editions:
Facsimile Editions

#1 1494: Desde el descubrimiento de Cristóbal Colón hasta el Tratado de Tordesillas

Millennium Liber – Madrid, 2023
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