Akathistos hymnos

Akathistos hymnos – Edilan – R.I.19 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)

Probably Istanbul (Turkey) β€” Second quarter of the 15th century

A rare golden masterpiece for the Byzantine liturgy: one of the oldest pieces of Marian poetry in Christendom, adorned with expressive miniatures and fantastical initials on a luminous gold background

  1. One of the earliest recorded Marian prayers from Constantinople (AD 626)

  2. Only two specimens of the historic work survive today

  3. The 24 strophes of the hymn begin with all the letters of the Greek alphabet in order

Akathistos hymnos

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Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Akathistos hymnos

This unique manuscript presents the Greek text of the famous Hymnos Akathistos, an early Christian praise of the Virgin Mary, of which only two illuminated manuscripts have survived to us today. The Escorial Codex was created in Constantinople in the late 14th or early 15th century and contains, alongside the text, a magnificent cycle of 23 half-page miniatures whose precious gold backgrounds reflect the high esteem in which the work was held and the great devotion to the Mother of God. The Byzantine illuminations also show Italian influences. The manuscript came into the possession of the Spanish King Philip II through mysterious means in the 16th century. As a religious and art-historically significant manuscript, it is now kept in the famous Escorial Library under the shelfmark R.I.19 as β€œone of the most precious Byzantine art objects in Spain”.

Akathistos Hymnos

The Akathistos Hymnos is considered to be one of the main components of the Orthodox liturgy. According to legend, the doxology of the Virgin Mary was first sung in Constantinople in the year 626, calling for the protection of the Mother of God against an attack by the Avars. Consequently, the Akathistos Hymnos, which is still sung today, is one of the oldest and most beautiful pieces of Marian poetry in Christendom. The important liturgical Hymnos has been celebrated primarily in the Eastern Orthodox Church, but has nevertheless had a large influence on the Christian church as a whole as a devout expression of Marian devotion.

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

The Greek hymn β€œto the holiest Theotokos and eternal Virgin Mary” originates from an unknown Greek poet and consists of 24 strophes. These follow an interesting principle: their initial letters yield all of the letters of the Greek alphabet in order. In terms of content, both of the first two sections deal with salutations of praise to the Mother of God following the incarnation of Christ from Mary.

A Late Manuscript from Constantinople

The significance of the Akathistos Hymnos is also demonstrated by this wonderful manuscript from the late 14th or early 15th century. The 60 pages of this treasure of illumination do not just contain the text of the Marian prayers. The wonderful picture cycle of the Akathistos Hymnos is considered to be a special feature. This has been handed down in only two Greek manuscripts, a manuscript in Moscow in addition to this one from El Escorial. The visual adornment consists of 23 miniatures in Byzantine style on a golden background and additionally comprises 15 pages with elegantly ornamented initials consisting of animal and plant motifs. Clearly discernable Italian influences on the painting have led to speculation that the manuscript originated from Venice or Crete. Nevertheless, the body of research still considers Constantinople as the point of origin of the Akathistos Hymnos from El Escorial.


Alternative Titles
Greek Hymn Honoring the Virgin Mary
PoesΓ­as en loor de la Virgen
Akathistos: canto litΓΊrgico para recitativo o declamado y schola a 2 v. p. y asamblea
El Hymno Akathistos
PoesΓ­as en loor de la Virgen
Akathistos (Hymno marial griego)
Escorial Akathistos
Himno Acatisto
Size / Format
164 pages / 24.7 Γ— 18.0 cm
Second quarter of the 15th century
Greek minuscule
23 half-page miniatures and 15 floral and zoomorphic initials
Akathistos Hymnos on the mystery of the virgin birth
Previous Owners
King Philip II of Spain (1527–1598)

Available facsimile editions:
Akathistos hymnos – Edilan – R.I.19 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Edilan – Madrid, 1981
Limited Edition: 2000 copies
Detail Picture

Akathistos Hymnos

Praise of the Mother of God

According to the Akathistos Hymnos as a prayer of praise to Mary as the "most holy God-bearer", the Greek hymn begins with praising greetings to the Virgin Mary. The stanzas are introduced by a colourful miniature with a typical Byzantine gold background. Embedded in architecture, the Holy Mary is enthroned, her hands stretched towards heaven. She is dressed in a bright blue robe and a red cloak. The folds of the garments deliberately contour the body and legs. A red outline highlights the glittering nimbus from the equally golden background.

Akathistos hymnos – Edilan – R.I.19 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Single Page

Akathistos Hymnos

Adoration of the Magi

In rich shades of red and blue, this elaborate miniature presents the Adoration of the Magi in Byzantine style. The three kings on the left kneel in front of the Mother of God with the Child, offering their gifts. Mary holds their Child on her lap, her right hand stretched out towards the kings. Jesus, his hand raised in blessing, is wrapped in a dark red robe and, like Mary, is adorned with a shimmering golden nimbus.
It is remarkable that the architectural and scenic design of the miniature spatially separates the Magi from Mary with Jesus. While a city silhouette rises from the three kings, Christ and Mary are framed by the rocks of a cave. In addition to the magnificent miniature, the page is decorated with the Greek text of the ancient Christian praise to Mary and a decorative initial with an animal ornament.

Akathistos hymnos – Edilan – R.I.19 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Akathistos himno Marial Griego

Edilan – Madrid, 1981

Publisher: Edilan – Madrid, 1981
Limited Edition: 2000 copies
Binding: Dry-stamped yellow silk as the original
Commentary: 1 volume (113 pages) by Gregorio de AndrΓ©s
Language: Spanish
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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