Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica by Andreas Cellarius

Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica by Andreas Cellarius – Coron Verlag – Sign. gr. Fol. 3/497a – UniversitĂ€tsbibliothek Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany)

Germany — 1661

A fascinating 17th century look at the stars and ancient mythology: the world systems of Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe compiled in beautiful copperplate engravings

  1. This star atlas was written by Andreas Cellarius (ca. 1596–1665) and published in 1660 by Johannes Janssonius (1588–1664)

  2. It contains copperplates depicting the world systems of Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe

  3. Star maps of the classical and Christian constellations round out the gorgeous 17th century work

Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica by Andreas Cellarius

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  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica by Andreas Cellarius

Published in 1661, the Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmia by astronomer, mathematician, and cartographer Andreas Cellarius (c. 1596–1665) is a comprehensive celestial atlas featuring particularly magnificent copperplate engravings. A total of 21 beautifully colored and incredibly detailed double-page maps show the world according to the models of Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100 – after 160 AD), Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), and Tycho Brahe (1546–1601). Eight further engravings show the constellations according to Christian and classical interpretations. Together, they impressively illustrate to the beholder the development of the astronomical perspective on the world and are a wonderful testimony to the Baroque art of printing. For the first time, the Dutchman Johannes Janssonius (1588–1664) published the historical star atlas in 1660 in his Amsterdam publishing house, which was well known for astronomical and geographical works.

Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica by Andreas Cellarius

The Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmia by Andreas Cellarius (ca. 1596–1665) is one of the most magnificently colored astronomical works of the Baroque period. The historical star atlas from 1661 shows the world according to models by Claudius Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe on a total of 21 engravings. Eight further double-paged colored engravings are dedicated to star constellations with classical and Christian interpretations. With his first-class plates by Frederik Hendrik van den Hooven (ca. 1628–1698), Jan van Loon, and Jan Pieterszoon Saenredan (1565–1607), the celestial atlas impressively presents the observer with the development of the astronomical world view.

A German Astronomer in the Netherlands

The astronomer, mathematician, and cartographer Andreas Cellarius came from the area of Worms. However, he had lived and worked as a teacher in the Netherlands, where the manufacture of globes and precise maps had a long tradition, since 1625. The Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmia, his only astronomical work, was first published by Johannes Janssonius (1588–1664) in 1660. The Dutchman's publishing house in Amsterdam was well-known for astronomy and cartography, so Janssonius printed the work as a supplement to his Altlas Novus.

Popular Copperplate Charts

Few other astronomical works possess depictions that are as well-known as those from Cellarius' celestial atlas. Again and again, they were reproduced for books, posters, and even puzzles and enjoyed great popularity. They amaze their viewers with plentiful details again and again. Above all, the elaborate frame illustrations delight with numerous small angels, various astronomers, and also interesting astronomical instruments.


Alternative Titles
Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica von Andreas Cellarius
Cellarius Himmelsatlas
Cellarius Himmelsatlas - Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica
Die Harmonie der grossen Welt
Size / Format
134 pages / 52.0 × 33.0 cm
29 double-page colourized copperplate maps
Star atlas with copper plate depicting the world systems of Claudius Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus and Tycho Brahe and showing classical and Christian constellations.
Artist / School

Available facsimile editions:
Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica by Andreas Cellarius – Coron Verlag – Sign. gr. Fol. 3/497a – UniversitĂ€tsbibliothek Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany)
Coron Verlag – GĂŒtersloh, 2006
Facsimile Editions

#1 Atlas Harmonia Macrocosmica von Andreas Cellarius

Coron Verlag – GĂŒtersloh, 2006

Publisher: Coron Verlag – GĂŒtersloh, 2006
Binding: Genuine leather binding with rich gilt embossing, chiselled gilt-edging on three sides and book spine with nine raised bands
Commentary: Commentary by JĂŒrgen Hamel, bound into the facsimile
Language: German
1 volume: This facsimile is not complete. Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €
(under 1,000€)
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