Atlas Miller

Atlas Miller – M. Moleiro Editor – GE D-26179 (RES) / GE DD-683 (2-5 RES) / GE AA-640 (RES) – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)

Portugal — 1519

The world at the time of the Renaissance: An exquisite cartographic work and worthy gift for King Francois I of France, masterly illuminated by Antonio de Holanda by order of Manuel I of Portugal

  1. A commission by King Manuel I of Portugal, presumably as a gift for King François I of France (1494–1547)

  2. The bilingual result of the collaboration between the leading cartographers Lopo Homem, Pedro and Jorge Reinel

  3. The regions of the world known in the Renaissance were masterfully illuminated by Antonio de Holanda

Atlas Miller

GE D-26179 (RES) / GE DD-683 (2-5 RES) / GE AA-640 (RES) Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
  1. Description
  2. Detail Picture
  3. Single Page
  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Atlas Miller

The Atlas Miller is a cartographical masterpiece that shows the geographical regions of the world as they were known in the Renaissance. The atlas was created in 1519, probably as a gift for the French King Francis I (1494-1547) on behalf of King Manuel I (1469-1521) of Portugal. It was the scientific and artistic result of the fertile collaboration between the leading cartographers Lopo Homem (ca. 1497 - ca. 1572), Pedro (ca. 1464 - after 1542) and Jorge Reinel (ca. 1502 - after 1572) as well as the gifted illuminator Antonio de Holanda (fl. first half of the 16th century). 10 detailed and fantastically illuminated maps of the magnificent atlas have been preserved, on which the depicted land areas in particular shine in rich colors and many golden details. Here, the traditions of portolan maps, Ptolemy's cosmographies and Flemish book illumination are artfully combined in a coherent Renaissance atlas.

Atlas Miller

The Atlas Miller is one of the most famous cartographical works in the Renaissance style. It originates from Portugal in 1519 at the behest of King Manuel I. The work arose from a collaboration of various artists and academics. The cartographers Lopo Homem as well as Pedro and Jorge Reinel prepared the geographic plans. The highly valuable illustrations of the maps were undertaken by the talented illuminator Antonio de Holanda. The work contains six sheets of vellum with a total of 10 zestfully decorated maps in various formats.

Exciting Geographic Depictions

The map, written in Latin and Portuguese, represents numerous geographic regions as they were known to Renaissance scholars. The North Atlantic, northern Europe, the archipelago of the Azores, Madagascar, the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, the West Pacific, the Maluku Islands, Brazil, and the Mediterranean are all depicted. The map of Brazil in particular, the *Terra Brasilis, is a truly masterful work of illuminated cartography**. The map shows countless depictions of people in activities typical of the country and the natural conditions of Brazil, as envisioned by those artists. Their depictions give evidence of their limitless creativity and great attention to detail.

A Royal Owner

The Atlas Miller was commissioned by King Manuel I of Portugal. The king set no financial limits on the cartographers and artists who produced the work. It is assumed that it was meant as a gift for the knight-king Francois I of France. The valuable work was acquired by the French National Library in Paris in 1897. It was formerly in the possession of the librarian Bénigne Emmanuel Clement Miller, from whom its present name originates.


Alternative Titles
Atlante Miller
Size / Format
6 leaves / 59.0 × 41.5 cm; 1 leave: 117.0 × 61.0 cm
Detailed and fantastical maps in vibrant colors and with extensive golden details
10 maps + 1 title
King Manuel I of Portugal (1469–1521)
Artist / School

Available facsimile editions:
Atlas Miller – M. Moleiro Editor – GE D-26179 (RES) / GE DD-683 (2-5 RES) / GE AA-640 (RES) – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)
M. Moleiro Editor – Barcelona, 2004
Limited Edition: 987 copies
Detail Picture

Atlas Miller


Although the Brazilian coastline is crammed with the names of various settlements and harbors, the vast unknown interior is left to the artist’s imagination. The artist has utilized countless shades of green to create a lush and verdant landscape. Aside from people, there are red and blue birds flying and perching in trees, crouching monkeys, and even a green dragon. Hunters with bows and arrows are shown dressed in colorful feathers while naked laborers collect and chop firewood.

Atlas Miller – M. Moleiro Editor – GE D-26179 (RES) / GE DD-683 (2-5 RES) / GE AA-640 (RES) – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)
Single Page

Atlas Miller

The Indian Ocean

This splendid double-page map artfully depicts the lands surrounding the Indian Ocean, which is teaming with ships whose sails carry both the cross of Christian merchants and the crescent moons of their Muslim colleagues. Many small islands are depicted with red and blue ink as well as gold and silver leaf. The Portuguese flag and coat of arms can be seen all over the map.

The eastern tip of Africa features a man riding on horseback at a gallop, the Arabian Peninsula shows a man dressed in blue with sword and shield, and India has bare-chested warriors with horned pink helmets. Various exotic animals including camels, a lion, a rhinoceros, and elephants are shown walking among palm forests, mountains, and important cities with tall towers.

Atlas Miller – M. Moleiro Editor – GE D-26179 (RES) / GE DD-683 (2-5 RES) / GE AA-640 (RES) – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Atlas Miller

M. Moleiro Editor – Barcelona, 2004

Publisher: M. Moleiro Editor – Barcelona, 2004
Limited Edition: 987 copies
Binding: Decorative case and folder with dark red cloth cover with gold tooling
Commentary: 1 volume (432 pages) by Alfredo Pinheiro Marques, Luís Filipe Thomaz, Alfredo Pinheiro Marques and Bernardo Sá Nogueira
Language: Spanish
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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