Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book

Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book – Vallecchi – Cod. Ricc. 483 – Biblioteca Riccardiana (Florence, Italy)

Florence (Italy) β€” Ca. 1462

With dimensions of only a few centimeters, from the heyday of the Italian Renaissance: one of the smallest, but still magnificently illuminated manuscripts that have survived to this day

  1. A testament to the wedding in 1500 that united two powerful Florentine families: the Capponi and Ridolfi

  2. One of the smallest manuscripts to survive today, Monte di Giovanni's work is absolutely exquisite

  3. This synthesis of the arts is an outstanding specimen from the twilight of miniature painting in Italy

Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book

Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€
(3,000€ - 7,000€)
  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book

This gem of 15th century Italian illumination is one of the smallest prayer books to survive to the present, but possesses a quality worthy of much grander works. The Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book is a gift from a wedding in 1500 that brought together two aristocratic Florentine families, the Capponi and Ridolfi and was the work of the great master Monte di Giovanni. Packed with so much artistry and history, this prayer book is proof that good things do indeed come in small packages!

Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book

The Capponi and Ridolfi were two historic Florentine families. Aristocrats by birth and politicians by vocation, Gino Capponi and Cosimo Ridolfi belonged to the group of moderate liberals summoned by Leopold II of Lorraine in 1847 to administer the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Conserved in the Biblioteca Riccardiana and inventoried under number 483, this splendid volume was a wedding gift, which recalls the marriage of two descendants of the illustrious houses in 1500 – Niccola di Andrea di Niccola Capponi and Antonia di Battista di Luigi Ridolfi. Of extremely limited dimensions, measuring only a few centimeters on each side, and yet of exquisite workmanship, the Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book is one of the smallest prayer books that has come down to the present day. Miniature painting in the late–15th century was an extreme synthesis of the arts that was approaching its dusk, but in this manuscript, Monte di Giovanni, one of the greatest Florentine masters of the time, conferred its tiny pages the same quality and breadth found in panel paintings and large books intended for public use. This is a prime example of an illuminated manuscript at a time when books that were written and illuminated by hand began to be replaced by those that were printed, but continued to display the extremely-accomplished artistry of the Italian Renaissance nonetheless.


Alternative Titles
Dono d'Amore
Ore Capponi-Ridolfi
Geschenk der Liebe
Size / Format
464 pages / 6.6 Γ— 5.0 cm
Ca. 1462
Capponi family (probably)
Artist / School
Previous Owners
Niccola di Andrea di Niccola Capponi
Antonia di Battista di Luigi Ridolfi

Available facsimile editions:
Capponi-Ridolfi Prayer Book – Vallecchi – Cod. Ricc. 483 – Biblioteca Riccardiana (Florence, Italy)
Vallecchi – Florence, 2007
Limited Edition: 483 copies
Facsimile Editions

#1 Dono d'Amore: Le Ore Capponi-Ridolfi

Vallecchi – Florence, 2007

Publisher: Vallecchi – Florence, 2007
Limited Edition: 483 copies
Binding: Completely bound and sewn by hand and lined in velvet like the original. The cut of the pages has gilt embossing. Elegant box with embossed with hot-tooled silver.
Commentary: 1 volume (66 pages) by Giovanna Lazzi
Language: Italian
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€
(3,000€ - 7,000€)
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