Cloisters Apocalypse

Cloisters Apocalypse

Normandy (France) — Ca. 1330

The terrifying events of the Apocalypse in charming miniatures of the Soft Style: a unique Apocalypse manuscript as a gold-shining and colorful treasure of the Channel School

  1. Created in Normandy, France ca. 1330, the Cloisters Apocalypse is named after its modern repository in New York City

  2. It is unique for its “softened” depiction of the Book of Revelation and inclusion of an image cycle from the childhood of Jesus

  3. Numerous Spanish influences can be seen in the miniatures, which went on to influence South German Gothic illumination

Cloisters Apocalypse

68,174 The Cloisters Museum and Gardens (New York, USA)
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(3,000€ - 7,000€)
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  3. Single Page
  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Cloisters Apocalypse

The magnificent Cloisters Apocalypse manuscript originated from Normandy, France ca. 1330 and is adorned by 72 large miniatures that resemble contemporary designs for stained-glass windows including four full-page miniatures, which were created with gold and silver leaf, rich tempera paints, and colored inks. Its miniatures are executed in the Soft Style of Gothic illumination and present the Book of Revelation in a dreamlike manner that mixes the most menacing figures of the Apocalypse with pleasant scenes of courtly domesticity. The influence of Beatus of Liébana’s Commentary on the Apocalypse can be seen in the Spanish artistic influences found throughout the manuscript. This luminous image-forward codex, with its graceful and masterfully designed miniatures in which the Four Horsemen appear frequently, is counted among the small but elite group of illuminated manuscripts at The Cloisters in New York City.

Cloisters Apocalypse

Stylistically speaking, the manuscript appears to come from Normandy and furthermore, a dedication page at the end of the manuscript with a coat of arms that has been partially erased points to de Montigny family, a Norman noble house from Coutances. However, it is unique among early-14th century illuminated Apocalypse manuscripts from the region because it has an introductory image cycle from the childhood of Jesus and finishes with a series of images emphasizing John of Patmos’ personal connection with Jesus Christ. Although it is not known how, the manuscript came to Switzerland by 1368, possibly Zofingen Abbey in Aargau, and may have influenced German artists preparing to work on the famous Codex Manesse and thus represents an important link between the Channel School and the Gothic style of southern Germany. Over the next few centuries, the Cloisters Apocalypse passed through various private hands before it was acquired by The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1968.

A Softer Image of the Apocalypse

72 miniatures, including 4 full-page miniatures divided into two registers, gorgeously illustrate the events of the Book of Revelation. The full pages depict scenes from the life of Christ beginning with the Annunciation and ending with the Flight to Egypt and it is these introductory images full of pleasant scenes of domesticity that set the tone for the rest of the work. While the image program is very similar to the Lambeth Apocalypse, which originated ca. 50 years previously, the atmosphere in which the events are presented is totally different. Events in the Lambeth Apocalypse are terrifying: faces are contorted in horror, bodies are deformed and twisted in physical and psychological pain, and menacing monsters roar. The Cloisters Apocalypse, on the other hand, bears a closer resemblance to a contemporary bestiary and presents the events as though they were a natural part of history; even the grotesques and monsters appear more comical than terrifying.

The Manuscript Collection at The Cloisters

Also known as the Met Cloisters because they are a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters is a museum specializing in medieval European art and architecture. Located on four acres in Manhattan’s Fort Tryon Park, the museum consists of elements from four medieval French cloisters that were taken apart, transported, and reconstructed according to the designs of architect Charles Collens and under the close, sometimes onerous management of John D. Rockefeller Jr. The museum opened in 1938 after decades of work.
Most of the collection of ca. 5,000 items consists of sculptures, statuary, paintings, tapestries, panel painting, altarpieces, and stained-glass windows but also includes a small selection of illuminated manuscripts that is nonetheless of the highest quality. Aside from the present Apocalypse manuscript, it includes the Belles Heures du Duc de Berry, the Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, the Psalter of Bonne de Luxembourg, and a small book of hours attributed to Simon Bening that was acquired in a 2015.


Alternative Titles
Cloisters Apocalypse
Size / Format
80 pages / 31.5 × 23.8 cm
Ca. 1330
Gothic Textura Gothic cursive
4 full-page miniatures on fol. 1r-2v; 71 half-page miniatures
Book of Revelation
Previous Owners
Robert Pecham
Thomas Darellus
Antoine de Lescazes
Etienne Cauvy
Dr. Louis-Maximien Rey
Baron Auvray
Hôtel des Ventes, Tours
Baron Edmond James de Rothschild
Alexandrine de Rothschild
Palais Galliéra, Paris
H. P. Kraus

Available facsimile editions:
The Cloisters Apocalypse
Limited Edition: 999 copies
Detail Picture

Cloisters Apocalypse

The Third Vial of God's Wrath

At the direction of the angel in the heavenly temple - brought into the picture here by means of a magnificent altar - another angel on the left pours out the third vial of God's wrath. It brings one of the seven plagues of the end times to the rivers and fountains that turn to blood. The gruesome metamorphosis of the five watercourses depicted here is impressively visually narrated insofar as the beginnings of the streams are still gray, i.e. common spring water. On the right-hand side, another angel is already waiting to bring the next plague upon mankind.

The Cloisters Apocalypse
Single Page

Cloisters Apocalypse

St. John on Patmos

"Quod vides in libro scribe" - "What thou seest, write in a book" (Rev. 1, 11)
This is written on the scroll that an angel holds out to the sleeping John. The first miniature of the text of Revelation, which follows the picture cycle on the childhood of Jesus, shows the commissioning of John on Patmos. After hearing a "great voice as of a trumpet", his apocalyptic vision appears to him, which he is to write down in order to send it to the seven biblical communities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

John's surroundings reinforce the impression that we are already seeing part of his vision rather than the moment preceding it. The U-shaped sea almost forms a cradle for the reclining figure, while the island of Patmos is his soft bed. His boat is anchored at the left edge of the picture and seems to have a face of its own.

The Cloisters Apocalypse
Facsimile Editions

#1 The Cloisters Apocalypse

Limited Edition: 999 copies
Binding: Brown embossed leather with two metal clasps
Commentary: -
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€
(3,000€ - 7,000€)
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