Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes

Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes – Circulo Cientifico –  – Several Owners

Spain β€” 1582–1604

Miguel de Cervantes' creative power, eloquence and personality in fascinating autographs by the world-famous author of Don Quixote: twelve handwritten documents providing a rare insight into the writer's turbulent life

  1. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547–1616) is world-famous for his novel *Don Quixote* from 1605

  2. These twelve autographs make his life and personality tangible

  3. They offer a unique and rare insight into his personal handwriting, orthography and writing style

Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes

Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) is best known to us today for his novel Don Quixote from 1605, which became a classic of world literature. In the fascinating Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes, which comprises twelve autographs by the writer from the time between 1582 and 1604, Cervantes' creative power and personality become tangible. Not only his signature, but also his handwriting and his personal writing style can be scrutinized, especially in the letter documents. The twelve documents are some of the few surviving, direct testimonies to the life of the great artist and thus offer a rare insight into the biography and character of the author of Don Quixote.

Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes

The single leaf collection contains the following documents from the Archivo General de Simancas (AGS), the Archivo HistΓ³rico Nacional (AHN), the Archivo Municipal de Carmona (AMC), the Biblioteca Nacional de EspaΓ±a (BNE) and the Rosenbach Museum Library of Philadelphia (RML):

1: February 17, 1582, Madrid (AGS, Guerra y Marina, leg, 123,1)

2: February 6, 1589 (RML, C2 f. C419 Ms. 2)

3/1: February 12, 1590, Carmona (AMC, Peticiones y memoriales, s/f)
3/2: February 12, 1590, Carmona (AMC, Peticiones y memoriales, s/f)

4: October 7, 1590, Seville (AGS, ContadurΓ­as Generales, leg.1745, c. 156)

5/1: August 8, 1592, Seville (AGS, EXH, leg. 516, 213)
5/2: December 1, 1592, Madrid (AGS, EXH, leg. 516, 213)

6/1: before December 3, 1592 (AGS, EXH, leg. 516, 219)
6/2: December 3-4, 1592 (AGS, EXH, leg. 516, 220)

7: January 4 - February 4, 1593, Seville (RML, C2 f. C419 Ms. 1)

8: February 17, 1593, Seville (AGS, ContadurΓ­as Generales, leg.1745, c. 184; RML, C2 f. C419 Ms. 3 (a-b))

9: August 20, 1594 (AGS, ContadurΓ­as Generales, leg.1745, c. 3; BNE, Res/262-180)

10/1: before November 28, 1594, Malaga (AGS, Consejo y Juntas de Hacienda, leg. 324, 1)
10/2: November 28, 1594, Malaga (AGS, Consejo y Juntas de Hacienda, leg. 324, 1)

11/1: before March 31 (?), Seville (AGS, CMC 1Βͺ Γ©poca, leg. 1784, 1-2)
11/2: March 31, Seville (AGS, CMC 1Βͺ Γ©poca, leg. 1784, 3-4)

12/1: July 20, 1604, Valladolid (AHN, Consejos, leg. 44.826-1 (1))
12/2: September 11, 1604, Valladolid (AHN, Consejos, leg. 44.826-1 (2))


Alternative Titles
Sammlung handschriftlicher Werke von Miguel de Cervantes
AutΓ³grafos de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Collection)
Size / Format
12 documents / 21.0 Γ— 31.5 cm
Portrait drawing of Cervantes (presumably)
Collection of various handwritten documents by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, preserved in institutions around the world
Artist / School

Available facsimile editions:
Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes – Circulo Cientifico –  – Several Owners
Circulo Cientifico – Madrid, 2016
Limited Edition: 1616 copies
Facsimile Editions

#1 AutΓ³grafos de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Circulo Cientifico – Madrid, 2016
Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes – Circulo Cientifico –  – Several Owners
Collection of handwritten works of Miguel de Cervantes – Circulo Cientifico – – Several Owners Copyright Photos: Ziereis Facsimiles

Publisher: Circulo Cientifico – Madrid, 2016
Limited Edition: 1616 copies
Binding: Red silk cassette with clasp
Commentary: 1 volume by DarΓ­o Villanueva, Juan Gil, and Sandra MarΓ­a Cerro JimΓ©nez
Language: Spanish
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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