Documentos Colombinos en el Archivio General de Simancas (Collection)

Documentos Colombinos en el Archivio General de Simancas (Collection) – Circulo Cientifico – Archivo General (Simancas, Spain)

Late 15th century – early 16th century

A collection of various documents from the Age of Discovery - including Christopher Columbus's letter proclaiming the discovery of the New World

  1. Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) made four expeditions to the “Indies” between 1492 and 1503

  2. This compendium of both official and private documents gives an inside glimpse into these historic events

  3. It is a survey of the Archivo General de Indias, one of the most valuable and unique collections in the world

Documentos Colombinos en el Archivio General de Simancas (Collection)

  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Documentos Colombinos en el Archivio General de Simancas (Collection)

This compendium of documents gives an inside glimpse into the voyages of Christopher Columbus to the New World between 1492 and 1503. Aside from official documents, it includes more personal artifacts like Columbus’ correspondence with Queen Isabella I and his last will and testament. The early days of the Age of Exploration come to life in these seven documents.

Documentos Colombinos en el Archivio General de Simancas

These seven documents illustrate various moments from the Age of Discovery, ranging from the letter of Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) announcing the discovery of the New World to his last will and testament, spanning his four trips to the "Indies". Highlights among the selected documents include a handwritten letter from Columbus to Queen Isabella I of Castile (1451–1504), one of the only preserved specimens that the explorer sent to the Queen. It is not an official document and therefore has the freshness and charm of family letters. The documents are in folio format, except the first one. They originate from the Archivo General in Simancas, which had served as the Crown of Castile’s central archive since the 16th century. By the 18th century, the archive was full, so by royal degree of King Charles III (1716–88) in 1785, a new archive was created in Seville solely for the mountain of documents having to do with Spanish colonies in the Americas and the Philippines. Thus, documents that were scattered among various archives could now be united under a single roof, where Spanish historians could set about writing a comprehensive history of the Spanish Colonial Empire. The Archivo General de Indias is the modern repository for the historic documents in this compendium, and represents one of the most valuable and unique collections of any kind in the world. This is just one of the contributions that King Charles III is remembered for making to Spain, along with reforming the government, improving infrastructure, and crafting a national flag, anthem, and identity.
The documents in this collection represent a survey of Columbus’ career exploring the West Indies:
‱ Autograph letter of Christopher Columbus to the Queen Isabella the Catholic (2 pages)
‱ Letter from Christopher Columbus to the scribe, Luís de Santángel, giving an account of his first trip to the Indies (4 pages)
‱ Pardon of the criminal BartolomĂ© de Torres in order to join the crew on the first trip of Columbus (4 pages)
‱ Account of the people who accompanied Columbus on the second trip (52 pages)
‱ Payment to Pero FrancĂ©s and Marina GonzĂĄlez of 96,000 and 62,000 maravedĂ­es respectively, which Columbus owed them for the journey of the third trip (2 pages)
‱ Account of the people and ships that Columbus took on the fourth trip (16 pages)
‱ Testament of Columbus, authorized transfer of the deed of testament and foundation of mayorazgo that Christopher Columbus granted in Segovia on 25.8.1505 (8 pages)


Alternative Titles
Kolumbianische Dokumente im Allgemeinen Archiv von Simancas (Sammlung)
Late 15th century – early 16th century

Available facsimile editions:
Documentos Colombinos en el Archivio General de Simancas (Collection) – Circulo Cientifico – Archivo General (Simancas, Spain)
Circulo Cientifico – Madrid, 2006
Limited Edition: 500 copies
Facsimile Editions

#1 Documentos Colombinos en el Archivo General de Simancas

Circulo Cientifico – Madrid, 2006

Publisher: Circulo Cientifico – Madrid, 2006
Limited Edition: 500 copies
Commentary: 1 volume by Consuelo Varela, Juan Gil, and José L. Rodriguez
Language: Spanish
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding. The collection features the following seven documents: Carta autográfa de Cristóbal Colón a la reina Isabel la Católica, sobre asuntos de Indias y suyos personales; Carta de Cristóbal Colón dirigida al escribano de ración de SS. MM., Luis de Santángel dándole cuenta de su primer viaje a las Indias; PerdĂłn a Bartolome Torres, criminal, por haber ido en el primer viaje de ColĂłn; RelaciĂłn de la gente que acompañó a ColĂłn en el segundo viaje; Pago a Pero Francés y Marina González de 96.000 y 62.000 mrs. respectivamente de lo que Colón les adeudaba por travesía del tercer viaje; Relación de la gente y navíos que Colón llevó en el cuarto viaje; Testamento de Colón. Traslado autorizado de la escritura de testamento y fundación de mayorazgo que otorgó Cristóbal Colón en Segovia a 25-VIII-1505.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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