Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin

Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin – Giunti Editore – Biblioteca Reale di Torino (Turin, Italy)

Italy — Last quarter of the 15th century – 16th century

An impressive exhibition of the millennial artist's work: Leonardo's studies of his Virgin of the Rocks, his famous self-portrait, and many other drawings from the Biblioteca Reale in Turin

  1. The volume at hand assembles drawings by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) from the collection of the Biblioteca Reale in Turin

  2. They range from military architecture to studies of paintings like the Virgin of the Rocks

  3. Studies of Leonardo's famous graphic self-portrait represent a highlight of this splendid compendium

Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin

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Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
  1. Description
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  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin

The Biblioteca Reale in Turin houses a true treasure of (Italian) art history with its stock of high-quality drawings by Leonardo da Vinci: extensive motifs such as designs for military architecture, studies of paintings like the Virgin of the Rocks, and the famous graphic self-portrait underline the quality of the Turin Collection. As a part of the great national edition of the manuscripts and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, this volume impressively conveys the graphic work by the universal genius Leonardo.

Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His Circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin

The Turin collection was assembled by Alberto of Savoy, who acquired an impressive collection of Leonardo’s drawings ca. 1840. As a result, the bundle of drawings by the Italian Renaissance genius in Turin makes up an important part of the works of Leonardo that remain in Italy. Due to the age and fragile state of the originals – a delicate medium – the facsimile edition offers the unique opportunity for unmitigated exploration of these masterpieces.

A Universal Genius of the Italian Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) – a name that evokes countless associations! A gifted painter and perfect draftsman, a simultaneously inquisitive and brilliant inventor and scholar, he produced countless masterpieces – one need think only of the famous portrait the Mona Lisa or the iconic mural painting The Last Supper – and groundbreaking technical inventions. The basis of this extensive work is made up of drawings, sketches, records, and notes, recorded on individual sheets or in notebooks.

The Unbelievable Graphic work

The Florentine publisher Giunti Editore was entrusted in the year 1964 with the task of making this comprehensive treasure, distributed in collections around the world, available in a large facsimile edition. The impressive National Edition of the manuscripts and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, also known as the Leonardo Codices: the first and only comprehensive reproduction of the Italian universal genius’ manuscripts and drawings!

Studies, Drafts, and a Self-Portrait

Leonardo’s drawings from the world’s great collections are presented in six volumes. The volume at hand assembles the drawings from the Biblioteca Reale in Turin. Numerous famous and unknown sheets from the master’s hand are presented on 23 boards: the famous drawn self-portrait being a highpoint inter alia. Additionally, the bundle includes a study of the paintings of the Virgin of the Rocks in the Louvre. The so-called Codex Saluzzo 312 rounds out the Turin Leonardo’s graphics, a 19th century volume with Leonardo’s designs for military architecture.


Alternative Titles
I disegni di Leonardo da Vinci e della sua cerchia - Biblioteca Reale di Torino
Zeichnungen von Leonardo da Vinci und seinem Umkreis - Biblioteca Reale in Turin
Last quarter of the 15th century – 16th century
23 drawings
Artist / School
Previous Owners
Carlo Alberto of Savoy (1798–1849)

Available facsimile editions:
Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin – Giunti Editore – Biblioteca Reale di Torino (Turin, Italy)
Giunti Editore – Florence, 1990
Limited Edition: 998 copies
Detail Picture

Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin


While normal cannons are useful for battering down walls, mortars fire projectiles with a high-arching trajectory that allows them to hit targets behind fortifications. In a letter to Ludovico Sforza, da Vinci assured the Duke of Milan that he had mortars that were “very convenient and easy to transport”. This diagram shows both a solid ball for destroying buildings and another resembling a cluster bomb that contains smaller exploding projectiles for use against defenders.

Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin – Giunti Editore – Biblioteca Reale di Torino (Turin, Italy)
Single Page

Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin

Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk

Although not universally accepted, most art historians and scholars believe that this famous image from ca. 1512 is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci at about 60 years old. The sketch in red chalk on paper has been extensively reproduced and has become an iconic representation of him as a wise polymath or Renaissance Man in the final stage of his life.

The portrait is in three-quarter view with his face turned towards the viewer but his eyes gazing off into the distance. His long hair and beard were unusual in Renaissance portraits and their depiction was a conscious choice to express the sagacity of the subject. It has been drawn with fine lines shadowed by hatching and executed with the left hand, all of which points to Leonardo.

Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and His circle - Biblioteca Reale in Turin – Giunti Editore – Biblioteca Reale di Torino (Turin, Italy)
Facsimile Editions

#1 I disegni di Leonardo da Vinci e della sua cerchia - Biblioteca Reale di Torino

Giunti Editore – Florence, 1990

Publisher: Giunti Editore – Florence, 1990
Limited Edition: 998 copies
Binding: Printed on handmade paper and bound in Fabriano paper With commentary volume in a gold-embossed leather covered clamshell case
Commentary: 1 volume (138 pages) by Carlo Pedretti
Language: Italian
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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