Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat

Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Private Collection Michael Kaniel

Possibly Vienna (Austria) or Moravia (Czech Republic) — Middle of the 18th century

One of the most lavishly illuminated Esther scrolls: the dramatic story of the Book of Esther in 38 vivid, narrative miniatures, embedded in an elaborately ornamented arcature

  1. Esther scrolls or megillot are ceremonial scrolls for the readings in the synagogue for Purim

  2. The Book of Esther tells of the deliverance of the Jewish people from genocide in the ancient Persian Empire

  3. In the Kaniel Megillat, 38 colorful miniatures illustrate the dramatic events

Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat

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  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat

The Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat is without doubt one of the most beautiful and lavishly illuminated examples of the heyday of Esther scroll illumination in Europe. It was possibly created in Vienna or Moravia in the mid-18th century and is now part of the private collection of Michael Kaniel, to whom it owes its name. It captivates its viewers above all with its magnificent colors and strict symmetry, which is however complemented by filigree ornamentation. 38 illustrative miniatures tell the story of the Book of Esther in striking images and accompany the text, which is artfully framed by architectural elements like columns. The color palette is dominated by bright shades of red, green and yellow. The Kaniel Megillat was created and used for the readings in the synagogue on Purim. However, the commissioner of this gem remains a mystery to this day.

Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat

Megillot are often magnificently illuminated scrolls from which the texts of the ketuvim, “Writings”, were and are read on feast days. They make up the third main part of the Tanakh. They include the Book of Esther, which tells the story of the deliverance of the Jews from genocide in the Persian Empire under Xerxes I (486-465 BC). Xerxes' Jewish wife Esther was able to convince the king to prevent the massacre. Purim commemorates the events that are attributed to and thanked for divine intervention. On the evening of the feast and the next morning, the Book of Esther is read from a Megillah. Unusually, the name of God is not written once in the text, so the Esther scrolls offered the rare opportunity to provide them with figurative and sumptuous illuminations.

Artistic Illumination

Nevertheless, the extensive illumination of Esther Megillot probably developed not before the Renaissance, with the most elaborate and lavishly illuminated scrolls being created in the 16th to 18th centuries. The custom of creating pictorial strips above and below the text columns, which could be designed in a great variety of manners, quickly became established. The individual text compartments were often framed and visually separated from each other by means of architectural framing, which created a clearer overview and stricter order.
This approach was also followed in the Kaniel Megillat. All 19 text columns are flanked by red and green, rusticated columns, which are connected to form a richly decorated arcature. Between the columns, above and below the text, arched panels are inserted, illustrating almost every scene described in the Book of Esther in rich colors. The last miniature then spans the arc to the time when the Megillah was created by showing contemporary Purim dancers joyfully celebrating the biblical events.

Mysterious Origins

Since there is no surviving colophon or other indication of the context in which the ornate scroll was created, the Kaniel Megillat continues to puzzle scholars to this day. As it exhibits stylistic features of both the Italian and Eastern European Megillah traditions of the 18th century, it is assumed to have been made in Vienna or Moravia at this time. However, it is equally conceivable that the scroll originated in Northern Europe, where these styles were also adopted as a result of wandering book artists and the accompanying cultural exchange processes in the 18th century. However, one thing is certain: the Kaniel Megillat is one of the most beautiful examples of the heyday of Esther scroll illumination.


Alternative Titles
Esther-Rolle: Kaniel Megillat
Kaniel Megillah
Size / Format
1 scroll / 278.0 × 27.0 cm
Middle of the 18th century
38 miniatures and framing ornaments
Book of Esther

Available facsimile editions:
Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Private Collection Michael Kaniel
Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Graz, 1984
Limited Edition: 500 copies
Detail Picture

Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat

Haman in Queen Esther's Bed

After a royal banquet at which Esther told the king that his confidant Haman had issued a decree on the genocide of the Jewish people in the Persian Empire, Xerxes finds Haman in the garden bed of his favorite wife. Full of rage, he promptly decides that Haman should hang on the gallows that he had actually intended for Mordecai – Queen Esther's uncle.

Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Private Collection Michael Kaniel
Single Page

Esther role: Kaniel Megillat

Esther Before Xerxes and Haman on the Gallows

After King Xerxes has decided to hang Haman, Esther falls at his feet full of gratitude and begs him to revoke Haman's decree in order to protect her people from extinction once and for all. As a sign of his benevolence, the king then holds out his golden sceptre to her and complies with her request.

The miniature above depicts the subsequent execution of Haman, who hangs lifeless on the gallows in the courtyard of the royal palace. He has met the fate that he had actually intended for Mordecai. The significance of this turning point in the story seems to be emphasized by the gestures of the figures standing on the pillars to the left and right.

Esther Scroll: Kaniel Megillat – Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt (ADEVA) – Private Collection Michael Kaniel
Facsimile Editions

#1 Kaniel Megillah (Esther-Rolle)

Limited Edition: 500 copies
Binding: The scroll comes on a wooden roller in a cloth covered cylindrical case.
Commentary: 1 volume (33 pp.) by Michael Kaniel and Bezalel Narkiss
Language: English
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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