Liber Horarum by Gerard David

Liber Horarum by Gerard David – Testimonio Compañía Editorial – MS Vitrinas 12 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)

Bruges (Belgium) — 1484–1486

Biblical scenes in lifelike pictorial spaces and fantastical borders of flowers, animals and grotesques: a richly illuminated highlight of Flemish book illumination with 37 expressive miniatures by Gerard David and others

  1. A highpoint of 15th century Flemish illumination was decorated by Gerard David (ca. 1460–1523) inter alia

  2. Biblical scenes are set in decorative frames with flowers, fruits, small animals, insects, and grotesques

  3. The miniatures impress with their profound expressiveness, wonderfully evoking powerful feelings

Liber Horarum by Gerard David

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Liber Horarum by Gerard David

The Liber Horarum by Gerard David is a highpoint of late 15th century Flemish book illumination! The eponym of this magnificent manuscript was the miniaturist Gerard David (ca. 1460-1523), who created it together with other talented illuminators of the Ghent-Bruges school between 1484 and 1486. Gerard David is considered one of the most significant Flemish artists of his time. Although the pupil of Hans Memling was mainly active as a panel painter, he also produced some of the finest illuminations that Flemish late 15th century manuscripts had to offer. He contributed 15 of a total of 37 elaborate miniatures to the present Book of Hours, all of which impress with their colorfulness and lifelike depictions. Fantastical borders of flowers, animals and drôleries as well as gold-decorated initials complete the high-quality artistic decoration of this small masterpiece.

Liber Horarum by Gerard David

A highpoint of 15th century Flemish illumination: the Liber Horarum by Gerard David! The eponym of this splendid manuscript was the miniaturist Gerard David, who contributed 15 miniatures to the visual adornment. Gerard David is one of the most important Flemish artists of his time. Primarily active as a panel painter, he also created some of the finest illumination that late–15th century Flemish manuscripts had to offer. The so-called Liber Horarum by Gerard David enchants with its quintessentially high-quality artistic decoration.

A Noble Cover and Exuberant Splendor

The noble exterior of the manuscript already indicates its splendid content. A dark-brown leather cover with terrific embossing and gorgeous silver claps protects the gem. When one opens the book, a true blaze of color gushes over all the pages! Handsome miniatures of biblical scenes are framed by broad decorative frames. These are filled with the most gorgeous depictions of flowers, fruits, small animals, and insects, but also grotesque figures of fantasy. The pages of text are resplendent with numerous small, colorful initials – depicted in blue, red, and gold and gorgeously designed – in addition to the large historiated initials made of artfully ornamental patterns.

The Master Miniaturist

This splendor largely comes from the hand of a gifted artist. Gerard David (ca. 1455–1523) is considered to be the last great Flemish illuminator of his time. The reputation of Bruges painting grew exuberantly with such great names as Jan van Eyck and Simon Bening. David, who learned his craft from Hans Memling, was actually active as a panel painter. Nevertheless, he is also known for several high-quality miniatures, which he made for important patrons. These make Gerard David one of the most important miniaturists from Bruges at the turn of the 16th century.

A Testimonial to the Art of the Ghent-Bruges School

The so-called Liber Horarum by Gerard David can be found today in the famous library of El Escorial. It is a small, personal book of hours measuring 15.7 x 11.5 cm. The year 1486, which is recorded in the frame of the miniature of St. Lazarus, indicates that the prayer book originated during the beginning of David’s career in Bruges. The 470 pages of the manuscript are adorned with 37 miniatures altogether. 15 of these 37 miniatures come from the hand of Gerard David. The rest are based on works by famous Flemish miniaturists like the Master of the Dresden Book of Hours, the Master of Edward IV of England, and other artists from the Ghent-Bruges school.

The Wonderful Miniatures

At the same time, the miniatures impress with their profound expressiveness and the high artistic quality of the painting. Beholding the pictures evokes powerful feelings in a wonderful way. Additionally, the composition of the scenes, their grandiose perceptivity, is a sign of the outstanding quality of this illumination. The miniature at the beginning of the book of the Madonna with Child is particularly beautiful, it appears deeply immersed and introverted. With her left hand, which peeks out of a sumptuous blue cloak, she extends a graceful flowering twig to the Christ child in her right hand. This perfectly through-composed miniature comes from the hand of Gerard David and is only one of the grandiose testimonials of his art!


Alternative Titles
Gerard David Book of Hours
Gebetbuch des Meisters von Brügge
Liber Horarum de Gerard David
Liber Horarum von 1486
Gerard David Stundenbuch
Liber Horarum von Gerard David
Liber Horarum of Gerard David
Size / Format
470 pages / 15.7 × 11.5 cm
Gothic Textura Rotunda; Gothic Hybrida
37 miniatures, 15 of these are full-page by Gerard David
Liturgy of the Hours
Artist / School
Previous Owners
Robert Lehman

Available facsimile editions:
Liber Horarum by Gerard David – Testimonio Compañía Editorial – MS Vitrinas 12 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Testimonio Compañía Editorial – Madrid, 1998–2003
Limited Edition: 980 copies
Detail Picture

Liber Horarum by Gerard David

Massacre of the Innocents

It is said that the original martyrs were the innocent little boys that were slaughtered on the orders of King Herod, and the look of horror on this mother’s face is unmistakable. “Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men.” (Matt. 2:16).

Liber Horarum by Gerard David – Testimonio Compañía Editorial – MS Vitrinas 12 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Single Page

Liber Horarum by Gerard David

Madonna with Child

This magnificent miniature is as artistically refined as Gerard David’s panel paintings and is a fine example of his masterful use of light and shadow. It is a beautiful, atmospheric scene with an intimate aesthetic and perfect composition. The Virgin Mary’s left hand sticks out from under her sumptuous blue cloak, highlighted with gold pen strokes, and holds out a flower to the baby Jesus.

Rather than having individual halos, both mother and child share a subtly-drawn golden aura. This introverted miniature is wonderfully contrasted by its exuberant golden frame, which is filled with red carnations, white lilies, blue irises and bell flowers, and more. A bird and various insects round out this gorgeous marginalia.

Liber Horarum by Gerard David – Testimonio Compañía Editorial – MS Vitrinas 12 – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Liber Horarum de Gerard David

Testimonio Compañía Editorial – Madrid, 1998–2003

Publisher: Testimonio Compañía Editorial – Madrid, 1998–2003
Limited Edition: 980 copies
Binding: Hand sewn and bound in brown leather, with dry stamping on both sides like the original motif. Silvered clasps with inscription as they appear in the original.
Commentary: 1 volume (204 pages) by Patricia Andrés González
Language: Spanish
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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