Life of Christ

Life of Christ – Scriptorium – MS M.44 – Morgan Library & Museum (New York, USA)

Perhaps Corbie (France) β€” Ca. 1175

The life and work of Christ in 30 masterful miniatures: an opulently designed picture cycle in ornamental frames as a golden testimony to 12th century French book illumination

  1. This marvelous picture-codex presents the Vita Christi in 30 full-page miniatures without text

  2. Elegant figures in vivid events unfold on luminous gold backgrounds amidst splendidly ornamental frames

  3. Originally intended for a psalter, they were assembled thusly because of their exceptional artistic quality

Life of Christ

Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€
(3,000€ - 7,000€)
  1. Description
  2. Detail Picture
  3. Single Page
  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Life of Christ

This marvelous picture-codex from the Morgan Library in New York is utterly concentrated on the impact of the pictures: the beholder is presented scenes from the life of Christ according to the New Testament in 30 full-page miniatures. These wonderful depictions convey the quality of French illumination at the end of the 12th century in an impressive manner. Delightfully colorful biblical imagery with elegant figures in vivid events unfolds on a luminous gold background amidst splendidly ornamental frames. Probably created in Limoges or Corbie, the miniatures originally served as visual adornment for a psalter, however, because of their exceptional artistic quality, they were assembled into this spectacular gem of Gothic illumination.

Life of Christ

This marvelous picture-codex from the Morgan Library in New York is utterly concentrated on the impact of the pictures: the beholder is presented scenes from the life of Christ according to the New Testament in 30 full-page miniatures. These wonderful depictions convey the quality of French illumination at the end of the 12th century in an impressive manner. Delightfully colorful biblical imagery with elegant figures in vivid events unfolds on a luminous gold background amidst splendidly ornamental frames. Probably created in Limoges or Corbie, the miniatures originally served as visual adornment for a psalter, however, because of their exceptional artistic quality, they were assembled into this spectacular gem of Gothic illumination.

Not Just Illustrations!

This unique codex collects 30 full-page miniatures set against wonderful gold backgrounds on 32 pages measuring 34 x 20 cm. Very little is known about its origins. Nevertheless, it is immediately clear to every beholder that these are exceptional paintings. The depictions of the life of Christ probably decorated a splendid psalter. One can assume that the manuscript, in which the miniatures were originally bound, was from the abbey of either St. Martial de Limoges or Corbie. The period of origin is dated to ca. 1175 because of stylistic markers. The picture-codex of the life of Christ is a magnificent attestation of 12th century French illumination in every way!

Birth, Passion, and Ascension

The 30 miniatures of manuscript M. 44 in the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York visualize scenes from the life of Christ. The pictorial cycle begins with the Annunciation. Following this impressive, minimized scene are the birth, the events in Bethlehem, and scenes from the childhood of Christ. After the gorgeous depiction of the baptism in the river Jordan, the Passion and the final ascent into heaven are presented in several pictures. The last judgement and the coronation of the Virgin Mary make up the conclusion of the depictions of the life of Christ.

A Bright Firework of Elegance

Elegantly elongated figures present the biblical events in a very vivid and natural way. The illustrations pour out in bright, powerful colors on a luminous gold background surrounded by gorgeous ornamental borders with floral ornamentation, developing their full effect in contrast to the luminous gold. In this way, the pictures are reminiscent of medieval stained glass, which display a similar effect stylistically. Each of the scenes plays out amidst the broad, ornamentally embellished frames and are presented without a detailed background. In doing so, they accomplish this unique focus completely and totally on the acting persons. This is particularly discernable in the depiction of the Annunciation: the scene is completely minimalized and only depicts the Virgin Mary, who is inspired by the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove, and the archangel Gabriel in the middle of a frameless environment. The codex of the life of Christ offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in this wonderful, mysterious world of French illumination!


Alternative Titles
La vida de Jesucristo en imΓ‘genes
Vie de JΓ©sus Christ
Das Leben Christi
Vita Christi
Size / Format
32 pages / 34.0 Γ— 20.0 cm
Ca. 1175
30 full-page miniatures detached perhaps from a psalter
Vita Christi in pictures without text
Previous Owners
Abbey of St. Martial of Limoges
Henry Martin
Comte Auguste de Bastard d’Estang (1792–1883)
Ambroise Firmin–Didot (1790–1876)
Adolphe Labitte
Bernard Quaritch (1819–1899)
Richard Bennett
John Pierpoint Morgan (1837-1913)

Available facsimile editions:
Life of Christ – Scriptorium – MS M.44 – Morgan Library & Museum (New York, USA)
Scriptorium – Valencia, 2005
Limited Edition: 250 copies
Detail Picture

Life of Christ

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, β€œPeace to you!” Then He said to Thomas, β€œReach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” And Thomas answered and said to Him, β€œMy Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, β€œThomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:27-29)

Life of Christ – Scriptorium – MS M.44 – Morgan Library & Museum (New York, USA)
Single Page

Life of Christ

The Eucharist

During the Last Supper, Christ took a loaf of bread, gave it a blessing, then broke it and gave it to his disciples telling them that it was His body and they should eat it in remembrance of Him. This instance is considered to be the origin of the Eucharist, which is at the heart of the Christian faith and is considered to be a sacrament in most churches.

This colorful miniature with a golden frame and background shows Christ flanked by two Apostles, holding up two pieces of bread, and gazing directly out of the page as though he were speaking to the beholder. All three are richly dressed and wearing brimmed hats. The miniature shows no cups on the table, apparently separating the presentation of the wine as the blood of Christ.

Life of Christ – Scriptorium – MS M.44 – Morgan Library & Museum (New York, USA)
Facsimile Editions

#1 La vida de Cristo

Scriptorium – Valencia, 2005

Publisher: Scriptorium – Valencia, 2005
Limited Edition: 250 copies
Binding: Leather with replica ivory plate on the cover. Protected with the commentary volume in a case.
Commentary: 1 volume by Juan A. Vicente GarcΓ­a Marsilla
Languages: Spanish, Valencian
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€
(3,000€ - 7,000€)
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