Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis

Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis  – Circulo Cientifico – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)

Lyon (France) — 1557

From medicinal plant distillates to the treatment of minerals and the production of alcohol: the first modern treatise on pharmacological chemistry with 52 detailed woodcuts of elaborate distillation devices

  1. Dr. Conrad Gessner (1516–65) wrote the first modern treatise on pharmacological chemistry

  2. Ovens, distillation devices, and other laboratory tools for creating medicines are depicted in detail by 52 woodcuts

  3. It is considered to be one of the most important documents in the history of chemistry and pharmacology

Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis

Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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  3. Single Page
  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis

In 1552, the “Swiss Pliny” Dr. Conrad Gessner (1516–1565) published an influential treatise on the art of distilling under the pseudonym Euonymus Philiatrus: the Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis. It was one of the most important works that contributed to the scientific renewal of the Renaissance through the inheritance of scientific thought collected throughout the Middle Ages, supplementing it with ancient knowledge and promoting the new flourishing of the natural sciences. The 474-page edition of this handbook, published in Lyon in 1557, explains in detail the advantages and possibilities of distillation and the various techniques known at the time - from the extraction of medicinal plant distillates to the distillation of minerals and the production of alcohol. These descriptions are accompanied by 52 woodcuts that illustrate not only the medicinal plants discussed, but above all the many fascinating distillation procedures, oven shapes and laboratory utensils.

Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis

Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) was a Zurich physician, naturalist and philologist. After studying in Bourges and Paris, he worked as a teacher, professor of Greek language and natural history as well as a physician, and continually supplemented his livelihood through scholarly writing. What began pragmatically soon became his passion: Up to the end of his life, he pursued natural history studies and published a geological treatise in the year of his death - he died of the plague. With his magnum opus Historia animalium, he also became a co-founder of modern zoology.

Euonymus Philiatrus

Under the pseudonym Euonymus Philiatrus, Gessner published the Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis in 1552, which was also to become a bestseller during the author's lifetime. The Treasury of Pure Medicines is the first medical-pharmacological handbook on medicinal chemistry and thus represents a fascinating testimony to the scientific and technical progress of the Renaissance - particularly with regard to pharmacological chemistry. The Latin treatise was translated into German, French, Italian and English within a few years and was reprinted several times. The present edition was published in 1557 by Antonium Vincentium in Lyon.

The Art of Distilling

The work begins with a historical introduction to distillation, which refers mainly to antiquity and the advanced skills of Carthaginian and Arab physicians. Various distillation techniques are then explained. The production of medicinal plant distillates is also described. Gessner assumed that the essence extracted from the herbal remedies was responsible for their effect. Furthermore, the distillation of minerals and alcohol is also covered.

Pharmacological Woodcuts

52 woodcuts illustrate the numerous procedures and equipment described in his Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis. They show the reader the treated plants, but above all the different oven shapes, complicated guidance systems and fragile laboratory utensils. As early scientific illustrations with often accurate captions, they help us to understand the contents of the treatise and give us a wonderful visual insight into the pharmacological chemistry of the Renaissance. It was not for nothing that the President of the Pharmaceutical Academy of Castile and León, Carlos Gómez Canga-Argüelles, called the work "one of the most important documents in the history of chemistry, pharmacy, cosmetics and the production of liquors in the 16th century ”.


Alternative Titles
Thesaurus Euonymi Philiatri De remediis secretis
Size / Format
474 pages / 16.5 × 12.0 cm
52 woodcuts
Treatise on pharmacological chemistry
Artist / School

Available facsimile editions:
Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis  – Circulo Cientifico – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Circulo Cientifico – Madrid
Limited Edition: 999 copies
Detail Picture

Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis

Distillation of Oil

This miniature illustrates a detailed description of a method for distilling oil from wood, cloves and similar plant material, based on the Italian Renaissance humanist Gerolamo Cardano. Each part of the distillation apparatus explained in the text is labeled chronologically with a capital letter. Not shown is the clay casing of the apparatus, which is intended to prevent air, water or oil from escaping before the end of the process.

Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis  – Circulo Cientifico – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Single Page

Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis


A woodcut of an elongated, gnarled-looking plant covers almost the entire page. Although the xylography is rather simplistic, the depiction is still recognizable and can be identified as a houseleek with a lush inflorescence according to the multilingual names above it.

The brief text below the botanical illustration states that the plant's water is used in surgery to "cool the hot parts". How exactly the application is to be imagined remains open given the brevity of the caption.

Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis  – Circulo Cientifico – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Thesaurus de Remediis Secretis

Circulo Cientifico – Madrid

Publisher: Circulo Cientifico – Madrid
Limited Edition: 999 copies
Binding: Brown leather binding
Commentary: 1 volume by Andrés Manrique and Agustín Fernández
Language: Spanish
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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