Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours

Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours – De Agostini/UTET – Ms. Acquisti e Doni 147 – Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)

Bruges (Belgium) β€” 1455–1460

Due to its 23 full-page miniatures and countless splendid borders a treat on every page: the opulently illuminated Gothic masterpiece by the famous Flemish illuminator Willem Vrelant

  1. Originating from the years 1455–60, this manuscript features the finest illumination on every page

  2. These Flemish masterpieces are the work of the gifted Flemish miniaturist Willem Vrelant (d. ca. 1481/82)

  3. A female figure indicates that the manuscript was presumably the wedding gift of a French patron

Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours

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(3,000€ - 7,000€)
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  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours

This gorgeous book of hours stands squarely in the great tradition of 15th century Flemish illumination. The precious manuscript was probably created between 1455 and 1460 by a French patron as a wedding gift for his bride, who was portrayed on one page. Responsible for the opulent illumination of this personal treasure was probably the talented Bruges illuminator Willem Vrelant (1410–1481), who is most famous for his masterful works for Philip the Good. He adorned the luxurious codex with 23 elaborate full-page miniatures of biblical scenes and the finest floral borders and decorated initials on almost every page. With their beautifully designed Labours of the Months and signs of the zodiac, the calendar pages are another highlight of this late Gothic masterpiece, which is today preserved in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence.

Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours

The life of Christ stands at the center of the manuscript’s enchanting miniatures. The Annunciation, the birth in the manger in Bethlehem, and a Lamentation scene are recorded inter alia in admirable, fine painting. A highpoint of these primary miniatures is the terrific depiction of the Madonna with child under gorgeous cupola architecture, surrounded by a choir of four musical angels. All of these scenes are imbedded in a Flemish landscape and today they transmit the charm that the illumination must have had for the 15th century beholder.

A Masterful Miniaturist

Willem Vrelant (1410.1481) is considered to be the creator of these gorgeous miniatures. Vrelant is regarded as one of the most successful and influential miniaturists of his time. He was active in Bruges and completed commissions for Duke Philip the Good of Burgundy inter alia. The grandiose style of 15th century Flemish illumination, one of the undisputed high points in the history of illumination, can be retraced with the aid of his art!

Ornamented Pages Shining Like Gold

The so-called Vrelant Book of Hours, stored today in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florenz, is an impressive testimonial to his art. The 384 pages of the manuscript are illuminated throughout and adorned with 23 full-page miniatures and gorgeous monumental frames. Colorful, golden, fine floral ornamentation, permeated with figurative depictions of animals, angels, and fantastic creatures decorate the pages. Additionally, the typical calendar pages are designed in a particularly impressive manner, each with two figurative scenes of the course of the agricultural year and the signs of the zodiac, respectively.

The Mystery Surrounding the Patron

The manuscript originated from the years 1455–60 and was presumably the wedding gift of a French patron. This is indicated by the depiction of a female figure in prayer, perhaps the owner of this private prayer and devotional book. The Spanish infant Maria Luisa, Queen of Etruria, bequeathed the book of hours to the Library of Florence in the year 1806. It is for this reason that the book of hours is also known as the Libro d’Ore di Maria Luisa di Borbone.


Alternative Titles
Libro d'ore di Vrelant (Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis secundum usum romanum)
Size / Format
384 pages / 26.5 Γ— 17.5 cm
Gothic Textura
23 full-page miniatures
Artist / School
Previous Owners
Maria Luisa of Spain
Michel Delacour-Damonville

Available facsimile editions:
Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours – De Agostini/UTET – Ms. Acquisti e Doni 147 – Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)
De Agostini/UTET – Rome/Turin, 2005
Limited Edition: 530 copies
Detail Picture

Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours


Again and again, humorous and fantastical drΓ΄leries inhabit the filigree, gold-decorated borders of the pages. This is also the case here: A hybrid creature with the hindquarters of a winged deer, a tail made of colorful leafy tendrils and the upper body of an expensively robed priest leafs through a book while turning to the text on its left. The creature is wearing glasses on its nose to read, perhaps as a humorous reminder to the viewer.

Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours – De Agostini/UTET – Ms. Acquisti e Doni 147 – Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)
Single Page

Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours

The Entombment of Christ

In contrast to the lush green, idyllic landscape in the background, the Entombment of Christ is shown here. In the center behind the tomb, Mary and John mourn the deceased, who is laid in a stone sarcophagus with great care and the help of a white shroud by two disciples in contemporary garments. On the left, Mary Magdalene turns away from the group in grief and with folded hands – as if she were praying for Christ together with the angel in the border.

While the traces of blood on his body have an almost martial effect and remind the viewer of his painful passion, Vrelant shows off his artistry in this miniature, especially in Christ's loincloth: the transparent cloth drapes artfully over the edge of the sarcophagus. In this way, the holy corpse is veiled on the one hand, but at the same time shown in its naked fragility.

Willelm Vrelant Book of Hours – De Agostini/UTET – Ms. Acquisti e Doni 147 – Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Libro d'ore di Vrelant (Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis secundum usum romanum)

De Agostini/UTET – Rome/Turin, 2005

Publisher: De Agostini/UTET – Rome/Turin, 2005
Limited Edition: 530 copies
Binding: Embossed leather binding with two clasps
Commentary: 1 volume
Language: Italian
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€
(3,000€ - 7,000€)
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