Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers

Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers – Patrimonio Ediciones – Ms. Fr. 166 – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)

France — 1402–1404; 1450–1465; 1485–1493

Marvelous Bible illustrations for the Burgundian Duke Philip the Bold: an elaborate masterpiece of Gothic book illumination with over 500 miniatures by the famous Limbourg brothers and over 250 miniatures by other masters

  1. Philip the Bold (1342–1404), Duke of Burgundy, commissioned the famous Limbourg Brothers for this project

  2. After the Duke's death, the book passed through several hands, being appended by various artists

  3. Features 513 miniatures by the Limbourg Brothers and 255 additional illuminations by other artists

Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers

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  4. Facsimile Editions (1)
Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers

This beautiful Bible moralisée was produced by the famous Limbourg brothers, who were already celebrated as true masters of their craft during their lifetime, for the bibliophile Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Bold, thus creating a gigantic book project that is second to none. The Limbourg brothers began work at the beginning of the 15th century and produced over 513 small masterpieces of book art – each page was to contain eight miniatures with biblical scenes. After the duke's unexpected death, the Bible moralisée passed through the hands of various prominent owners and other artists, who added a total of 255 miniatures to the manuscript, which nevertheless eventually remained unfinished. However, the sheer scope of the codex is impressive, with 338 richly illuminated pages. The Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers is therefore not only a stunning, but also an outstanding example of this type of book, which was very popular in the late Middle Ages.

Bible moralisée of the Limbourg Brothers

The famous Limbourg Brothers, who were already celebrated as true masters of their craft in their own lifetimes, completed this Bible moralisée as a gigantic book project for Philip the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy. The Limbourg Brothers began the project at the dawn of the 15th century and produced true masterpieces of illumination in the process. After the sudden death of the Duke, the Bible moralisèe passed through the hands of various important owners and other artists, but remained unfinished in spite of everything. Nonetheless, with 338 richly-illustrated pages, the sheer extent of the manuscript is impressive. The Bible moralisée of the Limbourg Brothers represents an outstanding example of this rare type of book.

The Most Prominent Owners and the Greatest Artists

The great name of the Limbourg brothers is inexorably connected to their most famous patron, Duke Jean de Berry, for whom they completed such precious and famous books of hours as the Très Riches Heures or the Belles Heures. At the beginning of their careers, Jean, Paul, and Hermann Limbourg were actually court painters for the brother of the Duc de Berry, Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. The Limbourg Brothers undertook one of the most ambitious projects in the history of book art for him. Philip’s commission stipulated a codex with over 5,000 illustrations. This gigantic task could not be completed by the brothers because the Burgundian Duke died unexpectedly in 1404. Up to that point, the Limbourg Brothers had already completed a considerable amount of the work and had already partially realized another part. The manuscript changed owners multiple times during the subsequent period and thus was continuously embellished by new artists, each in their own way. The book project way first continued under Duke René of Anjou ca. the mid–15th century. Colin d’Amien, also known as the Master of the Geneva Boccaccio, was only one of several exceptionally-talented painters involved. The manuscript changed owners at the end of the 15th century and now belonged to Aymar de Poitiers, where it was supposed to be finished by the work of more miniaturists, George Trubert inter alia, but which was never achieved.

The Genre of the Bible moralisée

The turbulent history of the manuscript’s genesis and ownership history is also reflected in its splendid contents. 513 miniatures by the Limbourg Brothers and 255 additional illustrations by many other artists are collected on 338 pages. As a Bible moralisée, the manuscript contains countless pairs of images with an accompanying, explanatory text. Under the genre of the Bible moralisée, originating in France ca. 1220, annotated biblical texts were assembled, most of which were very comprehensively illustrated. The biblical tales were illustrated by moralizing interpretive pairs of images – mostly in the form of medallions. Such Bibles moralisées contained up to 2,700 pairs of images. Originally, as in the Bible moralisée of the Limbourg Brothers, 8 pictures are found on each page.

Wonderful Compositions from Gifted Hands

Duke Philip the Bold’s Bible moralisée represents an early masterpiece of the Limbourg Brothers. The small format pictures demonstrate all of their ability with their impressive, airy manner. Surrounded by filigree and artfully designed frames, the pictures contain figurative representations, which are reminiscent of large-format panel paintings in their wonderful composition and execution. Although in the smallest of formats, neither the grandiose backgrounds are neglected, nor are the figures characterized any less individualistically. Filigreed with gold and bright colors, the initials, which introduce each textual passage, contribute to this astonishing visual experience. Each batch of pages appears perfectly worked through, the design completed with the delicate application of color and gold. Alongside the Très Riches Heures de Duc de Berry, this Bible moralisée represents the most significant work by the Limbourg Brothers and offers therewith an inside view into the genesis of a manuscript over a century of various owners and artists. As a synthesis of the arts, its historical and art-historical worth cannot be overestimated.


Alternative Titles
Biblia Moralizada De Los Hermanos Limbourg
Bible moralisée der Brüder Limburg
Size / Format
342 pages / 41.5 × 29.0 cm
1402–1404; 1450–1465; 1485–1493
Gothic Textura
513 miniatures illuminated with gold and silver by the Limbourg brothers, and 255 illuminations by other outstanding artists; 8 miniatures with biblical scenes per page
Picture Bible of the Old Testament, Genesis to Isaiah 22,16 (fragment)
Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1342–1404)
Artist / School
Previous Owners
René of Anjou (1409–1480)
Aymar de Poitiers (seneschal of Provence)
King Charles VIII (reigned 1483–1498)

Available facsimile editions:
Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers – Patrimonio Ediciones – Ms. Fr. 166 – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)
Patrimonio Ediciones – Valencia, 2010
Limited Edition: 999 copies
Detail Picture

Bible moralisée of the Limbourg Brothers

First Day of Creation

Despite its small size, this medallion miniature has the detail and refinement of a panel painting, with particular attention paid to God’s beard and hair. The natural fall of folds is accomplished due to some particularly masterful shading. Finally, gold leaf is used to make the cross-halo stand out from the page. Embellished with filigree tendrils of red, blue, and gold, the relevant text is presented with two blue initials, one with a red patterned background, the other with gold leaf.

Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers – Patrimonio Ediciones – Ms. Fr. 166 – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)
Single Page

Bible moralisée of the Limbourg Brothers

Portrait of Mark the Evangelist

Although unfinished, this Evangelist portrait is a true masterpiece of Gothic illumination, a testament to the genius of the Limbourg Brothers. Serving as the frontispiece of the manuscript, it shows St. Mark working on his Gospel, the dove of the Holy Spirit on his shoulder. Proudly seated facing him in profile is a lion, his symbol and a figure of tirelessness.

They are framed by a Gothic architecture that can only be described as perfect. The fact that it is uncolored allows one to see every detail of the master’s pen strokes, and the façade above them is especially detailed. Between pointed peaks, one sees a relief of angels, each playing a different instrument and arranged in three pairs amidst various saints and martyrs.

Bible moralisée of the Limbourg brothers – Patrimonio Ediciones – Ms. Fr. 166 – Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris, France)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Biblia Moralizada de los Limbourg

Patrimonio Ediciones – Valencia, 2010

Publisher: Patrimonio Ediciones – Valencia, 2010
Limited Edition: 999 copies
Binding: Leather binding with golden decorations and the coats of arms of the kings of France
Commentary: 1 volume (98 pages) by Eberhard König and John Lowden
Languages: Spanish, Italian, English, German
1 volume: This facsimile is not complete: 100 pages (the first six gatherings) are reproduced. Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding. The first six gatherings (100 pages) are facsimiled.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€€
(7,000€ - 10,000€)
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