Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel

Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel – Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Monasterio de Santa Maria de la Vid (Burgos, Spain)

Nuremberg (Germany) — 1493

The world-famous chronicle with its more than 1,800 beautiful cityscapes: the largest and perhaps most important project of early book printing with stunning woodcuts by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff

  1. This codex is considered to be the greatest and most significant project of early book printing

  2. Collaborators include Hartmann Schedel, Michael Wolgemut, Wilhelm Pleydenwurff, and Anton Koberger

  3. Spanning the creation of the world up to the year 1493, it is famous today for its wonderful cityscapes

Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel

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Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel

The Liber Chronicarum, also known as Schedel’s World Chronicle or the Nuremberg Chronicle, is considered the largest and most richly illuminated incunabulum of the early age of printing. The mammoth project, which had nothing less in mind than to tell a chronicle of world history from the creation of the world to the year 1493, is today especially famous for its beautiful cityscapes, some of which are considered the first realistic representation. For the realization, the author and mastermind Hartmann Schedel gathered around him a remarkable group of big names and well-heeled financiers in the intellectual circle of Nuremberg humanists and artists of the late 15th century: Michael Wolgemut - the teacher of Albrecht Dürer - and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff created more than 1,800 astonishing colored woodcuts, while Anton Koberger could be won over as a talented printer for the gigantic undertaking. Arguably the most ambitious book project of the incunabula period, it went down in history as a groundbreaking work and significant testimony to the nexus of art and humanism in Nuremberg, one of the central metropolises of southern Germany at the end of the Middle Ages.

Liber Chronicarum

The Liber Chronicarum is considered to be the greatest and most significant book project from the early period of book printing. In the fascinating milieu of the Nuremberg humanists and artists of the late 15th century, a group gathered around Hartmann Schedel. The big names brought together: Michael Wolgemut – the teacher of Albrecht Dürer! – and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff as the artist of the grandiose woodcuts, Anton Koberger as the printer, with moneyed burghers and humanists as the patrons and financiers of the gigantic project. The significant Nuremberg Chronicle covers history from the creation of the world up to the year 1493 is particularly famous today for its wonderful cityscapes, of which some are considered to be the first realistic depiction of those cities.

A Renaissance Man Among Like-Minded People

Hartmann Schedel (1440–1514), a Nuremberg doctor, humanist, and historian followed the aim of giving a comprehensive, comprehensible ordering of the world with his chronicle. He succeeded in ingeniously implementing this intention. Nuremburg, the Franconian metropolis and South German center of humanism and art ca. 1500, offered the ideal conditions for it. Schedel, whose comprehensive library is still famous today, was esteemed in the highest circles of society in Nuremberg and consorted with all of the great minds of the city. As a result, he was successful in filling many of the burghers with excitement for the project and winning over the greatest names for it.

A History of the World

The chronicle spanning from the creation of the Earth up to the year 1493 is subdivided into six parts respective to the six ages of the world as was then typical. Thus, following the introduction by Isidore of Seville, Hermann Schedel appends it with a seventh and eighth part. In this attempt at an ordering of the world, the Renaissance man collected biblical stories, historical events and people, curious and sensational tales of wonder, and geographic information. As it was published in 1493, the Liber Chronicarum reflected the current state of knowledge at that time.

A Project without Precedent

The ambitious book project was transcribed in the famous printing shop of Anton Koberger (ca. 1400/45–1513). 100 typesetters and printers at 18 presses busied themselves with work on the world chronicle for fifteen months. On 568 pages, the work collects over 1,800 woodcuts, an unprecedented abundance of images. The responsibility for this artistic design rested with the exceptional artist Michael Wolgemut (1434–1519) together with Wilhelm Pleydenwurff (ca. 1420–72) and his workshop. This is even where the most famous Nuremberg artist of this time, Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) did his apprenticeship until the year 1490. Whether he too participated in the book project is fiercely debated among researchers.

The Fascinating Pictorial Adornment

The Liber Chronicarum contains numerous illustrations to stories from the Bible, lives of saints, miracle stories, and the like. Thus there is a page with a list and depiction of wondrous creatures from antique sources, similar to the miniatures of medieval bestiaries. Yet the illustrations of the geographical parts of the book are especially famous: 29 double-page cityscapes, a world map, and a map of Europe adorn the chronicle. Particularly outstanding is the woodcut of Nuremberg with the Kaiserburg, the Imperial Castle, which is enthroned above the city. However, Rome, Paris, Cologne, and countless other cities were also visually recorded and sometimes show the oldest realistic depictions of those cities. Schedel did not want any fantasy, but rather the most realistic views possible, which illustratively accompany the descriptions of the cities.

Famous Across Europe

The Liber Chronicarum was printed in two editions, one in Latin and a German edition, and was thus disseminated across Europe. Numerous specimens survive to today. The library of the Monastery of Santa Maria de la Vid in Spain houses a Latin specimen of this most important illustrated incunabulum. Schendel’s World Chronicle has gone down in history as the most ambitious book project of the incunabula period. A groundbreaking work, considered to be an important attestation of the connection between art and humanism in Nuremberg, the South German metropolis of the Middle Ages, and a superlative as a book project!


Alternative Titles
Liber Chronicarum de Hartmann Schedel
Nuremberg Chronicle
Liber Chronicarum von Hartmann Schedel
Nürnberger Chronik
Schedelsche Weltchronik
Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel
Weltchronik von Hartmann Schedel
Size / Format
658 pages / 45.0 × 31.0 cm
Over 1,800 colored woodcuts
Nuremberg Chronicle
Artist / School

Available facsimile editions:
Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel – Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Monasterio de Santa Maria de la Vid (Burgos, Spain)
Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Burgos, 2003
Limited Edition: 898 copies
Detail Picture

Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel

The Death of Simon Magus

According to the Book of Acts, Simon Magus was a Samaritan religious figure who was confronted by Peter the Apostle and some apocryphal texts describe him as a sorcerer who could fly. The act of Simony – paying for a position of influence in the church – is named after him. While performing magic for a crowd, Simon levitates to prove his godlike power and Peter prays that he be stopped, causing him to fall. The episode is depicted here and shows demons and angels fighting over Simon.

Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel – Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Monasterio de Santa Maria de la Vid (Burgos, Spain)
Single Page

Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel

Noah’s Ark

“Make thee an ark of gopherwood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt cover it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.” (Gen 6:14–15). So begins God’s divine instructions to Noah for constructing his famous ark.

This woodcut of the ark’s construction does not show Noah laboring by himself, but as a well-dressed foreman. Instead, the artist used the scene as an opportunity to depict a team of 15th century carpenters and boat builders working on a contemporary ship. Great attention to detail has been paid to the depiction of the workers’ tools and clothing, including their shoes.

Liber Chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel – Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Monasterio de Santa Maria de la Vid (Burgos, Spain)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Liber Chronicarum de Hartmann Schedel

Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Burgos, 2003

Publisher: Siloé, arte y bibliofilia – Burgos, 2003
Limited Edition: 898 copies
Binding: Leather binding with two clasps
Commentary: 1 volume by Juan José García Gil, Pablo Molinero Hernando, Dietrich Briesemeister, Juan Jose Vallejo Pinedo, and Jaume Casamitjana Costa
Language: Spanish
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€€
(3,000€ - 7,000€)
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