Medical and Herbal Miscellany

Medical and Herbal Miscellany – Müller & Schindler – MS Sloane 1975 – British Library (London, United Kingdom)

England or France — Ca. 1190–1200

Of magical cures, bloody procedures and strange recipes: a magnificent medical anthology with more than 200 gold-embellished Channel Style illuminations of plants, animals and surgeries

  1. A compilation of various medical texts on plants and animals by Pseudo-Apuleius, Pseudo-Dioscorides, Sextus Pacitus and Pseudo-Hippocrates

  2. Over 200 framed and gold-decorated miniatures of stylized plants and animals illuminate the two-columned treatises

  3. Three full-page and one half-page miniature show application-oriented illustrations of operations on human bodies

Medical and Herbal Miscellany

  1. Description
  2. Facsimile Editions (1)
Medical and Herbal Miscellany

The splendid medical miscellany, which is kept in the British Library under the shelfmark Sloane MS 1975, is an exceptionally magnificent pharmaceutical manuscript with over 200 column-wide miniatures. The illuminations accompany three late antique treatises, the two longest of which discuss the medicinal use of various plants, followed by a shorter text on the curative benefits of animal substances. The treatment options range from practicable applications to disgusting recipes and wondrous and almost magical practices. Four picture pages with large depictions of partly grisly medical procedures such as a bloody operation on the head and a hemorrhoid operation conclude the anthology. The colorful miniatures and large decorated initials are executed in the so-called channel style and are all embellished with rich golden and silver details. The plants in particular create an ornamental effect in the eye-catching frames. With their painted roots, the depictions follow the traditional herbal illumination, but are much more stylized here. Together with the animal images, they not only illustrate the information provided in the text, but also complement it in parts, thereby creating a visual organization system and representing the status and erudition of the patron or owner of the luxurious manuscript.


Alternative Titles
Von Pflanzen und Tieren
Von Pflanzen und Tieren – Medizinischer Sammelband mit Herbarium
Size / Format
190 pages / 29.5 × 19.6 cm
Ca. 1190–1200
Over 200 miniatures, including 3 full-page and 1 half-page, 3 large zoomorphic initials and countless smaller initials in blue, green and red, some with penwork decoration
Collection of various texts on the medicinal properties of plants and animals, including herbals by Pseudo-Apuleius and Pseudo-Dioscorides ("De herbis femininis"), Sextus Pacitus' "De medicina ex animalibus", and letters by Pseudo-Hippocrates.
Previous Owners
Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp
Paul Petau (?)
Hans Sloane
British Museum

Available facsimile editions:
Medical and Herbal Miscellany – Müller & Schindler – MS Sloane 1975 – British Library (London, United Kingdom)
Müller & Schindler – Simbach am Inn, 2023
Limited Edition: 900 copies
Facsimile Editions

#1 Von Pflanzen und Tieren

Müller & Schindler – Simbach am Inn, 2023

Publisher: Müller & Schindler – Simbach am Inn, 2023
Limited Edition: 900 copies
Commentary: 1 volume by Taylor McCall
Language: German
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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