Evangelica Historia

Evangelica Historia – Electa – L 58 sup. – Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan, Italy)

Milan (Italy) — Second half of the 14th century

With 158 expressive and lifelike pen and ink drawings by a virtuoso master of illumination: the biblical and apocryphal stories of Jesus, Mary and Pilate united in an impressive work of the Italian Trecento

  1. The Trecento manuscript brings together biblical and apocryphal accounts of the life and work of Jesus and some of his contemporaries

  2. It was based on the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew and a text on the death of Pilate

  3. 158 virtuoso pen and ink drawings of exceptional artistry, expressiveness and vibrancy complement the narratives

Evangelica Historia

Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
  1. Description
  2. Detail Picture
  3. Single Page
  4. Facsimile Editions (2)
Evangelica Historia

The Evangelica Historia brings together biblical and apocryphal stories about the life and work of Christ, as well as Mary and her parents, the apostles and Pilate in Latin prose and wonderful large pen and ink drawings of remarkable expressiveness. The 158 surviving miniatures, most of which are about half-page high, captivate with their naturalistic treatment of the figures and countless details in which readers can lose themselves for hours. This beautiful manuscript was probably created for precisely this purpose in the second half of the 14th century. It offers its educated lay readership a comprehensive and homogeneous retelling of the dramatic events of the New Testament, inviting them to meditate on this fundamental period of Christian salvation history. Despite its simplicity, this manuscript is clearly one of the most beautiful and artistic book treasures in the treasury of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana.

Evangelica Historia

The extraordinary manuscript L 58 sup. from the Biblioteca Ambrosiana was produced in the second half of the 14th century. Almost every page was decorated with half-page pen and ink drawings by a truly virtuoso Italian illuminator, although the first pages have unfortunately not survived the centuries. There are 160 remaining pages with a two-column Latin text and 158 miniatures, mostly arranged above it, which are characterized by a captivating dynamic, countless fascinating details, a naturalistic conception of the figures, great expressiveness and wonderful Gothic architecture.

The Life and Work of Christ

Both the text and the images tell of the life and work of Christ, but also of some of the people surrounding him. The basis for the Latin prose text in neat Textura are not only canonical Bible texts, namely the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, but also apocryphal texts, i.e. writings that were not included in the Bible. For example, the Pseudo-Gospel of Matthew was used to integrate stories about Mary and her parents Anna and Joachim, but also from Jesus' childhood, into the text. The end of the manuscript also contains three passages on the Death of Pilate, based on the apocryphal text Mors Pilati, the Destruction of Jerusalem and Mary's Death and Ascension, with each new section identified by a red rubric.

Narrative Images

In the text, all these writings are brought together in a new form in order to present a comprehensive, but at the same time concise and homogeneous narration of the events surrounding Christ's time on earth to an educated lay readership. The images play a decisive role in this. Using common iconography, they visualize the stories, but make them unique with a few artistic twists and details. In the medium of pen and ink drawings, the miniatures' thoughtful detail and lifelikeness are particularly effective. While some scenes are particularly expressive due to their simple composition, others impress with the sheer number of figures, whereby not a single one has been neglected. Christ can be recognized throughout thanks to his Cross Nimbus. In some miniatures, important saints are also hierarchically emphasized by an implied 'embossing' of their halos.


Alternative Titles
Evangelica historia: disegni trecenteschi del MS. L. 58. SUP. della Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Size / Format
160 pages / 24.0 × 18.0 cm
Second half of the 14th century
Gothic Textura
158 large, mostly half-page pen and ink drawings
Life and work of Christ based on the Gospels and apocryphal texts
Previous Owners
Library of the Visconti and Sforza in Pavia
Territorial Abbacy of Saint Mary of Grottaferrata

Available facsimile editions:
Evangelica Historia – Electa – L 58 sup. – Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan, Italy)
Electa – Milan, 1979
Limited Edition: 300 copies

Evangelica Historia – Electa – Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan, Italy)
Electa – Milan, 1978
Limited Edition: 999 copies
Detail Picture

Evangelica Historia

Adoration of the Three Magi

Mary is sitting with Jesus on her lap in front of a manger, over which a bull and a donkey are leaning. Joseph is seated on a throne-like stool at the right-hand edge of the miniature. The three Magi are about to present their gifts to the Messiah, the foremost of whom is already receiving Christ's blessing. The scene is watched by their three noble steeds. However, one of them has to be held in check by a squire, which brings the biblical story right into the time when the manuscript was created.

Evangelica Historia – Electa – L 58 sup. – Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan, Italy)
Single Page

Evangelica Historia

Jesus' Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane

After the Last Supper, Jesus goes with his disciples to the Mount of Olives, to the Garden of Gethsemane. While he tells them to sit down and keep watch, he withdraws alone into the garden for a prayer – knowing that he is already about to be betrayed by Judas and arrested the next moment. In the Gospel of Mark, the human nature of the Son of God comes to the fore here when he speaks to his Father full of fear: “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.” (Mark 14:32)

The miniature for this scene takes up almost two thirds of the page. Eleven disciples – Judas is missing – are crouching asleep on the left-hand side. John can be seen frontally, revealing the ornamental upper side of the halo of Jesus' favorite disciple. Meanwhile, the latter is kneeling and praying to God the Father, whose apparition leans down towards him from a UFO-like cloud in the heavenly sphere.

Evangelica Historia – Electa – L 58 sup. – Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan, Italy)
Facsimile Editions

#1 Evangelica historia (Luxury Edition)

Electa – Milan, 1979

Publisher: Electa – Milan, 1979
Limited Edition: 300 copies
Binding: Bound in embossed brown leather
Commentary: 1 volume by Bernhard Degenhart and Annegrit Schmitt
Language: Italian

Featuring a transcription and translation of the text by Angelo Paredi.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)

#2 Evangelica historia (Standard Edition)

Electa – Milan, 1978

Publisher: Electa – Milan, 1978
Limited Edition: 999 copies
Binding: Bound in light-colored faux leather. Facsimile and commentary come in one volume.
Commentary: 1 volume by Bernhard Degenhart and Annegrit Schmitt
Language: Italian

Featuring a transcription and translation of the text by Angelo Paredi.
1 volume: Exact reproduction of the original document (extent, color and size) Reproduction of the entire original document as detailed as possible (scope, format, colors). The binding may not correspond to the original or current document binding.
Facsimile Copy Available!
Price Category: €€
(1,000€ - 3,000€)
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